The Podcast
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Discover Your Unique Destiny & Learn to Manifest in a Multidimensional Way
Do you feel off track? or maybe lost or out of sync with your life? Do you get the feeling you were meant for something different in your life? You are not alone and I have the answer for you!
Learn How to Work With Your Angels & Spirit Guides
Tune into to today’s episode to learn more about the ways to connect on a higher plane with your Celestial Team.
Do You Have A Personal Practice? What is it? How to create one?
repetition is the foundation of both physical and mental growth – that what we repeatedly do and think become who we are
How To Cultivate Self Love and Positive Body Image?
Comparison must be an ego device, for love makes none... It is established by a lack seen in another, and maintained by searching for, and keeping clear in sight, all lacks it can perceive.
Are You A Chronic Procrastinator? How To Stay Motivated?
Procrastination is the act of prioritizing less urgent and more pleasurable tasks over the more important stuff.
Are You Addicted To Your Snooze Button?
More than one in three adults press snooze three times before getting up in the morning. Are you one of them?
Maximize the Potential of Every Bite
How you prepare your food is just as important as what you eat.
Can Eating Plants Do More Harm Than Good?
Lectins are thought to have evolved as a natural defense in plants, essentially as a toxin that deters animals from eating the plants.
Health Myth: You Don't Need A Gallbladder
Today’s episode is all about the function of your gallbladder and how to help improve those digestive juices!
Can Your Brain Fog, Depression, Skin Rashes & Autoimmune Issues All Be Connected? Yes!
Leaky gut happens when the tight junctions that hold your intestinal wall together become loose. This allows foreign invaders into your bloodstream causing a host of inflammatory reactions all over the body.
Make Your Heart Happy...Eat Good Fat!
The concept of “good” & “bad” cholesterol is outdated. Get the latest on heart health and the truth about cholesterol.
Devils's in the Dairy & Is Your pH Balanced?
Today’s episode is mish-mesh of why you should finally give up cow’s milk and why alkalizing your diet can have great whole body benefits.
New Year New Morning Routine
Today’s episode is all about creating a morning routine to improve your productivity, happiness & health.
Intermittent Fasting Is NOT Starvation
Today’s episode is all about intermittent fasting. What is it? How does it work? Is it right for you?
Artificial Sweeteners Are Bad For You...True or False?
Why substituting sugar with artificial sweeteners is sabotaging your health.
Fuel Your Day With Empowering Rituals
Do you have trouble staying consistent and on task? Find out how to be more productive by creating rituals today.
Do You Have the Self-Esteem To Choose Empowerment?
Today’s episode is all about SELF-ESTEEM!